Queued : Chloe Vogue 2074

I have had this pattern forever, and I'd pretty much given up on ever making it, due to a complete failure on finding the right fabric and general lack of a social life where one would wear such a pretty dress until yesterday, when I saw this polyester voile in the bargain bin at the local Myrtille.

I didn't know how much I needed, so I took whatever was left of it, about double the yardage, but who cared? It was €1,50 a meter! Don't hold your breath, I will not make it right away, but it'll be ready for the Christmas-New-Year party season, when, no doubt I'll be overdressed once again.


It's about time!
Pattern Junkie and I laughed out loud when we read Marylin's comment. So the bronzer and teeth whitening nightmare is being sent her way.
She is not the only one who won something. Last week, BurdaStyle had a twitter Selvege giveway and I won!
I am sure I will love it as I have checked their site many times for inspiration and all I have seen is some kind of beautiful. Check it out!

Sewing For two : The Pertegaz Hybrid

Rocking in LA, Giles Peterson spinning tunes.

You know you've been sewing a long time when you start to refashion stuff you've made.
These skirts were made for the trip to Japan that my sister and I never made. Ten years went by, lots of wear, wash, a tear and the tight, stretch cotton, 4 pannel generic Butterick patterned skirts started showing underwear lines due to new fat deposits on the waist, gravity, flab and assorted age related occurences. They could no longer be worn as they were.
I don't mind the age, but I do mind ill fitting clothes on me. Other people can do whatever they want, I won't judge, it's way too time consuming! As a consequence of trying to fit so many garments, you end up caring very much about curving outward bulging stuff for yourself. 

Enter inspiring Pertegaz' Vogue Couturier 2567. Can you see me coming? Yep! I "Pertegazed" the skirts.

And got to look at this amazing pattern piece. Not scratch my head puzzling, but certainly interesting construction-wise. 

I lowered the waist, made a new waistband for comfort and drew this piece, which drapes the a-line a lot better than if I had used a straight on the grain strip of fabric as I intended, made the zipper invisible and got two really fun summery skirts.

Lets see how many more years we get out of these!

Refashion Master

I am refashioning at the moment and I just very quickly wanted to point you to my refashion master : Marisa from New Dress A Day.
This crazy woman, meaning extremely enthusiastic of course, says she needed a creative challenge and decided it would be a great idea to whip up 365 items of clothing, for $365 dollars in 365 days. So armed with her scissors and her machine, she turns the like of that into this every single day!  

Or that, 

Into this : 

Check out her blog, it's turbo charged with inspiration daily. 
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