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In The Wild / Dans La Nature
My brother the pyjama man and I in Quiberon / Mon frère le gars des pyjama et moi à Quiberon I'm not the kind of person who...
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The Big Suit Take 3 / Prise 3
With all the rain that fell upon us in the last few days, it's a miracle that I was able to have pictures taken at all! In theor...
12 commentaires:
The Big Suit Take 2 / Prise 2
I don't know about you, but I can be very pigheaded. I have had this hand woven tweed in stash for a while ( another thrift shop f...
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Le Meilleur Couturier Amateur de France / The Great French Sewing Bee
Great British Sewing Bee Christmas Special Nous interrompons notre programme manteau diffusé actuellement pour un flash spécial. M6 ...
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