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The Big Suit Take 3 / Prise 3
With all the rain that fell upon us in the last few days, it's a miracle that I was able to have pictures taken at all! In theor...
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The Big Suit Take 2 / Prise 2
I don't know about you, but I can be very pigheaded. I have had this hand woven tweed in stash for a while ( another thrift shop f...
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The Big Suit Take 1 / Prise 1
David Byrne in The Big Suit. Photo : Wired Are you all old enough to have seen Stop Making Sense the best concert movie ever? Well go...
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For the Love of Tweed / Pour l'Amour du Tweed
I love tweed. I love cutting it, matching it, sewing it, I love the smell when I iron it, I love to fondle handle it and I do have a ...
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More Tweed / Encore du Tweed
The tweed fairy strikes again (Volume 1 2 3 )! I don't record all my fabric purchases here, but this one is quite a find, 3m = 3...
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The Jason Epilogue
Meet Jean-Louis. Jean-Louis is a austringer (meaning he hunts with eagles). He is holding a year old Blue Chilean Eagle and modeling ...
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Le Gilet Jason l'Epilogue
Je vous présente Jean-Louis. Jean-Louis est aiglier (il chasse avec des aigles). Il porte un jeune aigle bleu du Chili et son tout nouv...
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Jason - The Poll / Le Sondage
Woot! Woot! I did find a workaround for the collar and it's looking very good. I am just about to close it and I am wondering...
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Le Coin Jason / The Jason Corner
Le gilet Jason commence à ressembler à un vrai gilet. Je dois avouer que je suis assez fière des passepoils et du col châle qui ont ...
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La Pattemouille Dispendieuse / The Expensive Press Cloth
J'ai du composer avec les trous de mites quand j'ai coupé le gilet Jason . Je l'ai inspecté soigneusement et j'ai épin...
The Gimp / La Milanaise
We interrupt the current muslin programming to bring the news that I have found gimp. I intend to make hand worked buttonholes for the...
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Je n'ai rien de cousu à vous montrer alors je vais vous montrer le très joli imprimé à petits pois que j'ai acheté dans le rayon...
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The Draft
I am making a sloper! My drafting books out and I am making two skirt from scratch. Skirt 1 : I signed up for Petit Main Sauvage draf...
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La Toile
Je me fais une toile! J'ai sorti tous mes livres de coupe à plat et je me suis lancé dans le patron de base version jupe. Raison 1...
Burda 7810 Plus A Nifty Little Trick
I hate making holes in garments. Whether it's for a pocket, a buttonhole or snaps, I get nervous every time. And as you know, i...
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