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Hello Kitty! |
C'est quoi toutes ces chemises?
Pendant des années, je suis restée à la maison et je me suis consacrée à mon fils. Je n'avais pas besoin de vêtements de travail alors j'ai cousu tout et n'importe quoi au gré de mon inspiration, des apprentissages que je voulais faire et de mes envies et je n'ai pas fait attention à une quelconque garde-robe idéale hypothétique. Un jean en hiver, une jupe à gros motifs en été, des super baskets, un t-shirt délabré et un pull, je n'avais pas besoin de plus.
What's with all these shirts?
I have been a stay at home Mom for years. I didn't have a need for workwear so I just sewed whatever I wanted, was inspired by or wanted to learn. I had no desire to make a hypothetical ideal wardrobe. A pair of jeans in the winter, a big print skirt in the summer, cool sneakers a battered t-shirt and a cardigan or a sweater was all I needed.
What's with all these shirts?
I have been a stay at home Mom for years. I didn't have a need for workwear so I just sewed whatever I wanted, was inspired by or wanted to learn. I had no desire to make a hypothetical ideal wardrobe. A pair of jeans in the winter, a big print skirt in the summer, cool sneakers a battered t-shirt and a cardigan or a sweater was all I needed.
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Atelier fermeture invisible chez Self Tissus Lorient |
Avec mon nouveau statut de Meilleure Couturière Amateur de France, la représentation de marques et les cours que je donne, je me retrouve dans des lieux remplis de couturières avec une réputation à tenir et je n'avais rien à me mettre. Rien de bien pratique, de chic et bien fait. Non, pas bien fait, extrêmement bien fait. Je sens une pression énorme de faire les choses extrêmement bien. Je suis, jusqu'à la saison 2 en septembre, supposément la meilleure et je me sens étrangement investie d'un devoir de représentation "couturesque", un peu comme miss France. Je ne peux plus laisser aller les petits détails, c'est devenu maladif.
With my new status as French Sewing Bee Winner, big brands backing me and sewing classes, I found myself in rooms filled with seamstresses and a reputation to uphold and I had nothing to wear. Nothing chic, practical and well made. Nan, not well made, extremely well made. I really feel the pressure to make everything extremely well. I am after all and until season 2 in September the so-called best and I strangely feel it's my duty, a bit like Miss France you know, to make the best bar none. I just cannot let go of the smallest details, it's become pathological.
With my new status as French Sewing Bee Winner, big brands backing me and sewing classes, I found myself in rooms filled with seamstresses and a reputation to uphold and I had nothing to wear. Nothing chic, practical and well made. Nan, not well made, extremely well made. I really feel the pressure to make everything extremely well. I am after all and until season 2 in September the so-called best and I strangely feel it's my duty, a bit like Miss France you know, to make the best bar none. I just cannot let go of the smallest details, it's become pathological.
J'en rigole, mais dans les faits, ça me rend malade. J'étais pointilleuse avant, mais là c'est pire, je suis devenue maniaque. Je vous en parle parce que je vais être complètement névrosée si je continue sur cette voie. J'aspire au calme intérieur et aux nuits avec sommeil. En parler, ça va me calmer.
Ceci dit, les chemises remplissent très bien le trou dans ma garde-robe alors je fais des chemises. Comme l'été arrive, la prochaine sera sans manche.
Merci d'avoir écouté.
I'm laughing about it, but the truth is it's made me a nervous wreck and the only reason I bring it up is so I can let go of it before it makes my sewing life unbearable. I was picky before and now I have become finicky and it has to stop. I need calm and nights with sleep. Talking about will help.
That said, shirts are good at filling that hole in my wardrobe, so I have been making shirts. As summer is on the way, the next one will be sleeveless.
Thanks for listening.
Ceci dit, les chemises remplissent très bien le trou dans ma garde-robe alors je fais des chemises. Comme l'été arrive, la prochaine sera sans manche.
Merci d'avoir écouté.
I'm laughing about it, but the truth is it's made me a nervous wreck and the only reason I bring it up is so I can let go of it before it makes my sewing life unbearable. I was picky before and now I have become finicky and it has to stop. I need calm and nights with sleep. Talking about will help.
That said, shirts are good at filling that hole in my wardrobe, so I have been making shirts. As summer is on the way, the next one will be sleeveless.
Thanks for listening.
{Le tissu est de ma collection personnelle, les boutons et le fil sont de chez Self Tissus / The fabric is from my personal collection, buttons and threads come from Self Tissus}