A Microscope View / La Vision au Microscope

Photo : Style.com

I look at every Haute Couture show with glee and excitement but other people look at them with a microscope. I would like to thank the person who pointed me to this Tumblr full of sewing mistakes from Dior (I am sorry I don't remember who you are, but will link to you if you tell me). I am relieved to know it happens to them too...it makes me feel better.
Je regarde toujours les collections Haute Couture avec mes yeux de petite fille émerveillée mais d'autres les regardent au microscope. Voici un Tumblr pointant les erreurs de chez Dior. Je suis soulagée de savoir que ça leur arrive à eux aussi...je me sens mieux maintenant!

Photo : Marij


I just purchased Burda 7517 (hot results here). It's another attempt at sewing Burda, which I invariably find difficult to sew. But hey! this one has pictures inside with their criptic un-spell-checked French instructions! So I am going to give it a try once again. 
This of course is part of my ongoing attempt to make stuff I wear everyday. But in reality, I want to sew this, from Chanel's Haute Couture collection.

Now where would I wear this I ask you? For, hear my lamentations here, nobody dresses for anything anymore, so I am always overdressed. Even at a recent funeral where I thought it appropriate to wear black when it turned out, nobody else was or, at a recent baptism where I was to become godmother to a wonderful little girl, in the green satin suit that you can see here in action, where people wore jeans. 

Oscar Wilde said: "You can never be overdressed or overeducated." I have lived by that, but really, wouldn't my sewing life be more fun if I was to make this Dior number in pink terrycloth to go to the beach instead?

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