Jeans n°1

Quick! Snap a picture while the sun is out! Though highly conductive to a sewing life, this current weather is awful for taking pictures of my makes. 
Here is jeans n°1.
N°2, is awaiting the gathering of the right non-stretch red selvage denim fabric. I had some really nice blue selvage jeans for it but washed thrice, there simply was not enough to work with. Note to self, remember to buy more and make a jeans skirt. I do have a nice pattern for it.
Vite! Prends un photo pendant que le soleil est de sortie!
Bien que facilitant la vie de couturière, le temps est pourri pour prendre des photos de ce que je fais.
Voici donc le jeans n°1.
Le n°2 attend que je trouve le denim liséré rouge parfait. J'avais trouvé un super joli jean au liséré bleu mais, comme pour ce tissu, après les 3 lavages obligatoires, il n'y en avait tout simplement plus assez pour faire un pantalon. 
Note pour moi, acheter plus de tissu la prochaine fois et faire une jupe en jeans. J'ai un très beau patron pour ça.


The pattern comes from this French sewing magazine I bought a while ago. The title says Japanese Couture but that couldn't be further from the truth, just look at the masthead, somebody in France hired a pattern maker in Poland and a printer in Spain to surf the Japanese couture wave. 
Note to the editor don't put the cutting layout AFTER the instructions, I only found it today! 
Note for all of you, don't follow the instructions because they have you put in the fly at the very end. When you can, put the zipper in right after the front pockets, when you are bright and chipper and concentrated. Find some other instructions.
Le patron vient de ce nouveau magazine Couture Japonaise que j'ai acheté il y a un moment. Le titre dit bien Couture Japonaise mais ça ne peut pas être plus loin de la vérité, regardez l'ours, un éditeur français a engagé une modelliste en Pologne et un imprimeur en Espagne pour surfer la vague japonisante.
Note à l'éditeur, ne mettez pas le plan de coupe APRES les instructions de montage, je ne l'ai trouvé qu'aujourd'hui! 
Note pour vous tous, ne suivez pas les instructions qui vous font coudre la braguette à la fin. Quand vous le pouvez, montez le zip juste après les poches avant, quand vous êtes éveillé, vif et concentré. Trouvez-vous d'autres instructions.

These jeans are growing on me, literally!
I wore them for a day and they stretched to boyfriend style! It's probably because of the fabric. There is a bunch of drag lines that I don't like but don't know enough to tell you what causes them. It's either in the pattern or the cutting (after the wash, the fabric was so twisted, I couldn't true it up so I cut single layer).
Here is a shot of my bum for completeness. 
For a first, they are not bad at all. As I only ever wear jeans in the winter, it's a good thing I can make them properly, I'll be making some more so stay tuned.
Ce jean s'apprécie, littéralement!
Après l'avoir porté une journée, il s'est agrandit presque façon "boyfriend". C'est probablement le tissu. Il y a des petits plis aussi que je n'aime pas mais je n'ai pas assez de connaissances pour savoir ce qui les cause. C'est soit le patron, soit la coupe (après lavage, le tissu était tellement tordu que je n'ai pas pu le rectifier. J'ai coupé les pièces une à une).
Voici la photo de mon derrière pour être exhaustive.
Pour une première, c'est pas si mal. Comme je ne porte que des jeans l'hiver, c'est une bonne chose de pouvoir en faire correctement, je vais en faire plus, restez à l'antenne.

18 commentaires:

  1. Bien réussi ce jeans! Ce style te va très bien et vraiment (malgré les difficultés que tu dis avoir eues) eh bien je trouve que ce tissu jeans semble donner un bon résultat, sur les photos on le dirait bien foncé et épais... non?

  2. It turned out very well!!!! They fit you perfectly. I want to make a pair of jeans this winter :-)

  3. Pour un coup d'essai ce n'est pas si mal. Je pense qu'ils seraient parfaits avec la bonne toile. Beaucoup s'en accomoderaient. Bon courage pour les prochains.

  4. Every time I wear my self made jeans I see something I can change, especially after a few hours of wearing. These look really good, but if you want to get rid of the drag lines take a tuck below the crotch. Fold it up in the pattern and add the same amount back below the knee so that the pants will still be the same length. You can also just throw them in the drier.

    1. These lines did not exist before I wore them... in the end, I may go look for another jeans pattern. Even in the picture, the model has drag lines. I should have been warned.

  5. So true about fly after front pockets. Too hard to do later when you have to wrangle with the whole jean. 10/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    1. I really try to put the zipper in first in all the garments I make. I get better results at the beginning of the day then at the end, it's that simple and for the life of me, I don't understand why these old fashioned instructions are still being written. I'm pretty sure it keeps people away from sewing!

  6. They turned out really well, especially for a first try! I hardly ever wear jeans (or pants for that matter) so I don't even bother making them myself, the fit wouldn't even come close to what it should be and they would hardly ever get worn... I just wear one pair out and when they get really awful I buy a new pair, which usually takes a few weeks to find the right fitting...

    1. As I was saying that's all I wear, so it makes sense to take the time, but your strategy works too, you should see my 10 year old pair of jeans!

  7. These are fabulous Carmen, they look just great on you!!! I have this magazine, but not this issue, mine is No. 3 Avril-Mai-Juin 2013. I love the items in it, but havn't sewn anything yet.

  8. Well now you know where to find the cutting layout!

  9. These look really well made; well done! I've yet to try a pair of pants, but I'd love to try them in 2014. Congrats on completing your Sewlution! Happy New Year!
