Boys Boys Boys!!!

Alexander Henry Ready For Action Blue
Ready For Action in Blue

My bother, in a bit of shopping frenzy, has asked me to make some pyjama pants. Not one or two, but 5 pairs, all of them in Alexander Henry prints with sexy men all over them. You can officially call someone to have us certified, but we don't care because we will laugh our guts out all the way to the asylum!

Alexander Henry Ready For Action Black
Ready For Action in Black

Mon frère, victime d'une crise de magasinage enragée, m'a demandé de lui faire des pantalons de pyjama. Pas 1 ou 2, mais 5 avec du tissu Alexander Henry pleins de garçons sexy dessus. C'est officiel maintenant, vous pouvez nous faire interner, mais on s'en fout un peu parce qu'on va rigoler jusqu'à l'asile.

Alexander Henry The Outdoorsy Type
The Outdoorsy Type
Alexander Henry Heavy Equipment
Heavy Equipment

Alexander Henry Look Of Love
Look Of Love

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