The 2 for 1 Round Up

More droop!
One inch! It hurts me more than turning 49 this week! 
I didn't know how to lower a princess bust line on the the MuuMuu so I used ThingsBe's tutorial. I love the Interweb for that and I want to thank you all for putting this wealth of information out, I really, really appreciate it and I'm a much better seamstress because of all of your generosity.
By the way, if you'd like to make one, there was a 2 for 1 in the pattern envelope, a size 12 and a 14, so I'll send a scan of the envelope, pattern and instructions set size 14 to whomever claims it in the comments. If there are more than one person, I'll draw a name.

I have found a wonderful feedsack reproduction for JrC's dress design from Windham Fabrics and snapped up everything Heart Of Dixie had, a little more than 4 yards. 

I am still working on the doily skirt, making the muslin, but if it turns out a Craftfail, I could always order this lace skirt from La Redoute!

And finally, I CarmencitaB, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-June '11. I endeavour to wear one self-made garment each day for the duration of June 2011. 

12 commentaires :

  1. Ooo... I'd love it! I've had this pattern bookmarked for ages!

  2. I can't believe that I have only just discovered your blog. What a great read, I feel like I know you already. And for me in ordinary old Western Australia, it is a real treat to enjoy fellow seamstresses and procrastinators from all over the globe.
    Plus I love your frock pattern (yep, that did make me put fingers to keyboard), although I reckon I'd need the other size.

  3. I'd love to be included if you draw for the pattern. I'm in th UK and happy to pay for the postage if I am lucky enough to be picked. I doubt my version would be was good as your upcoming version - I can't wait to see it.

  4. I would love to be in the drawing for that pattern! I have a very similar dress and I just love the way it fits - it would be great to have a pattern to do other versions :)

  5. I'd love to be in the drawing too. I just made my first vintage dress, and I'm in love with it. Made me feel so pretty, but it's so hard to find styles that look just right. I love the drape on the back of that dress. It echoes the back of an 18th century gown I just made.

  6. So generous of you to do that, I would love that pattern!

  7. Love that pattern! Please enter me in the drawing. That looks so fun to make!

  8. Paige Louise06 mai, 2011

    I would Love this pattern! :]

  9. the pattern is beautifull. I would like te do this dress ^^

  10. I would love the pattern for this! It would be perfect for summer that is *just* trying to happen here.


  11. Oh I'd love to go into the draw for the pattern!

  12. Anthea, congratulations, you won. Mail me your coordinates and thank you for participating you all!


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