I Need Your Help

Am I doing things right here?
Burda's 08/2010 #113 is all cut and marked and interfaced, ready to sew, but I am still having doubts. There are a gazillion fusible interfacing tutorials, but there are no tutorials on WHERE to put interfacing.
I've read just about everything available at Sewing U (Googling sewing keywords) and I made choices. I didn't fuse the seam allowance because my fabric is really thick. I made a bigger interfacing piece on the side piece because the pocket would have looked funny and I thought it needed a little support. I abided by some of Fashion Incubator's tips about interfacing : I used a light fusible knit and crossed the fold line on the hem. I stabilized the neck area and the armhole, but I still have doubts.
So if any of you, my kind readers, have any tips you would like to share, I would be delighted. There is still time to correct the obvious mistakes.
Also, I bought this fabric at the local goodwill and it smells like it's been stored in a damp attic some place for years and though I have machine washed it, it still stinks when I iron it. I would gladly love to hear a tip about getting rid of the odor too.

3 commentaires :

  1. It looks okay to me. You were wise to not interface the seam allowances since the fabric is heavy. I guess the only other thing I'd do is to interface the upper back area. Pink the lower edges to avoid seeing a hard line through to the right side. You may not have to worry about that since the fabric is a bit thick.

  2. Thank you so much for the tips. I'm going to leave it as is. Now wondering if I should put leather patches on the elbows, it's such a teacher's fabric.

  3. Yes to the leather patches! Or, if you can't find the right leather, use corduroy? I'm still reading more about tailoring but the interfacing application looks pretty good based on what I know so far!


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